Security News > 2017 > October

A bug bounty hunter has earned more than $15,000 from Google after finding several potentially serious vulnerabilities related to the company’s Issue Tracker, including one that exposed the...

Do you know? Thousands of websites use HTML5 Canvas—a method supported by all major browsers that allow websites to dynamically draw graphics on web pages—to track and potentially identify users...

FireEye on Monday released a tool designed to help red teams manage password cracking tasks across multiple GPU servers. Called GoCrack, the open source tool provides an easy-to-use, web-based...

A highly critical vulnerability has been discovered in Oracle's enterprise identity management system that can be easily exploited by remote, unauthenticated attackers to take full control over...

Coinhive’s cryptocurrency-mining script has found its way into mobile apps offered on Google Play. Trend Micro researchers have spotted two apps that have been equipped with it: The first...

Google's reCaptcha service has been cracked by researchers who devised an automated attack called unCaptcha that can break the service with 85 percent accuracy.

Starting with Firefox 58, users will be able to refuse websites’ requests for information extracted via the HTML5 canvas element, which can be used to fingerprint their browsers. What is browser...

Google’s Issue Tracker contained until recently a vulnerability that would allow an external party access to any unpatched bug listed and described in the database.

The Sage ransomware, which emerged toward the beginning of this year, has added new functionality that allows it to escalate privileges and evade analysis, Fortinet warns. read more

Litigation attorney Patricia Carreiro offers an analysis of whether malpractice or cyber insurance coverage - or neither - would come into play if a patient was injured as a result of a...