Security News > 2005

Financial Firms Create Disaster Recovery Standards
2005-09-20 08:06,10801,104724,00.html By Lucas Mearian SEPTEMBER 19, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD Driven by a number of disasters in recent years,...

Bruce Schneier: Wrong on Katrina, Wrong on Terrorism
2005-09-19 06:09

Forwarded from: Dan Verton Bruce Schneier: Wrong About Katrina, Wrong About Terrorism Posted 9/15/05 By Dan...

NSC computers targeted in hacker e-mail attack
2005-09-16 09:03 STAFF WRITER Sep 15, 2005 The National Security Council's (NSC) computer system was the target of an attempted e-mail attack...

Data dangers dog hard drive sales
2005-09-14 08:30 12 September 2005 Many people are taking risks with data on hard drives and memory cards which they are selling via eBay, say experts. Letters,...

Teen Pleads Guilty to Hacking Paris Hilton's Phone
2005-09-14 08:28 By Brian Krebs Staff Writer September 13, 2005 A Massachusetts teenager has pleaded guilty...

Red Cross Works to Better Protect Its Networks From Attacks,	Scams
2005-09-13 06:41,10801,104539,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD Information security staffers at the American Red Cross,...

Firefox flaw found: Remote exploit possible
2005-09-12 06:23,10801,104504,00.html By Peter Sayer SEPTEMBER 09, 2005 IDG NEWS SERVICE Computers running the Firefox browser could be open to remote...

Microsoft to track internet use
2005-09-12 06:22 Washington September 9, 2005 Microsoft Corp will soon release a security tool for its...

Telecoms face 'one big mess' in Gulf Coast region
2005-09-02 10:49,10801,104324,00.html By Matt Hamblen SEPTEMBER 01, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD Cellular and other communication services are gradually...

Amid Katrina chaos, one company struggles to keep going
2005-09-01 09:16,10801,104291,00.html By Marc L. Songini AUGUST 31, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD As floodwaters continued to flow into New Orleans today...