Security News > 2004

Zambian parliament passes tough cyber crime law
2004-08-11 06:32 Lusaka August 11, 2004 Zambia's parliament has unanimously passed a tough law to curb cyber crime that would see convicted computer...

RE: Source code stolen from U.S. software company in India
2004-08-11 05:43

Forwarded from: Chris Wysopal,10801,95045,00.html "The company said that according to a report obtained from its branch in...

34 flaws found in Oracle database software
2004-08-04 17:47,10801,95013,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan AUGUST 03, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD Oracle Corp. will soon issue patches to fix 34 different...

The best-laid plans for protecting your data in a power	failure
2004-07-29 06:52,,94661,00.html Advice by Douglas Schweitzer JULY 22, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD The old saw "hope for the best, but expect the worst" is easily...

DoubleClick downed by denial-of-service attack
2004-07-28 07:48,10801,94837,00.html By Paul Roberts JULY 27, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE Internet advertising company DoubleClick Inc. was shut down today by...

"Fud, lies and libel" against (type any name here,	I'll use mi2g)
2004-07-26 10:31

Forwarded from: Robert Wayne To: full-disclosure () lists netsys com Cc: isn () attrition org, isn () c4i org Hi there, I am a usual reader of all the major security lists and I laughed (in a way)...

Report Faults Cyber-Security
2004-07-23 14:25 By Jonathan Krim Washington Post Staff Writer July 23, 2004 The Department of Homeland Security's efforts to battle...

Book excerpt: High-Tech Crimes Revealed: Cyberwar Stories from the Digital Front
2004-07-22 11:51,10801,94643,00.html [ - WK] Book (Excerpt) by Steven Branigan JULY 20, 2004...

E-mail security problems reported at Los Alamos National Lab
2004-07-21 13:49,10801,94638,00.html By Todd R. Weiss JULY 20, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD Security troubles continue at the Los Alamos National Laboratory,...

Chinese hackers attack Taiwan military news agency ahead of	drill
2004-07-20 12:11 20 July 2004 TAIPEI: Suspected Chinese hackers have launched an offensive against the website of Taiwan's Military News...