Security News > 2004

Old computers: An IT department liability that's costing more
2004-08-26 09:44,10801,95481,00.html By Lucas Mearian AUGUST 25, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD Resellers of old computer equipment say they will no longer accept...

Windows Upgrade Causing Campus Headaches
2004-08-24 06:36

Forwarded from: William Knowles By Brian Krebs Staff Writer August 23, 2004 Microsoft Corp.'s decision to...

Proposed dates for free TSCM seminar
2004-08-23 07:31

Forwarded from: Tim Johnson [In an effort to cross-pollinate the list a little, Tim Johnson, an Atlanta area TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter Measures) professional would like to offer a free...

Call for Papers : Pak Con 1st
2004-08-23 07:30

Forwarded from: fz () pakcon org [ call for papers ] Papers and presentations are now being accepted for PakCon 1st, Pakistan's First Hacking convention. [ submission ] Papers that are more...

Opinion: Cryptanalysis of MD5 and SHA: Time for a new standard
2004-08-20 08:26,,95343,00.html Opinion by Bruce Schneier Counterpane Internet Security Inc. AUGUST 19, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD At the Crypto 2004 conference...

Innovation Center Nurtures Newborn Security Companies
2004-08-19 16:00 By Ellen McCarthy August 19, 2004 Sitting in a glass-walled conference room first thing Monday morning, executives from a dozen...

Researchers find holes in XP SP2
2004-08-19 16:00,10801,95325,00.html By Paul Roberts AUGUST 18, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE Security researchers inspecting a new update to Microsoft...

Big Brother's Last Mile
2004-08-17 09:46 By Mark Rasch Aug 16 2004 On August 9th, 2004, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) took a major step toward mandating the creation and...

McAfee to buy Foundstone for $86M
2004-08-17 09:45,10801,95293,00.html By Paul Roberts AUGUST 16, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE Antivirus software company McAfee Inc. said today that it's buying...

Online Data a Gold Mine for Terrorists
2004-08-12 07:13,10801,95108,00.html By Dan Verton and Lucas Mearian AUGUST 09, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD The widespread availability of sensitive information...