Security News > 2002 > November

Risk of internet collapse rising
2002-11-27 08:38 Tuesday, 26 November, 2002 Simulated attacks on key internet hubs have shown how vulnerable the worldwide network is to disruption by disaster or...

War with Iraq will mean virus outbreak, hacker says
2002-11-21 15:18,10801,76071,00.html By DAN VERTON NOVEMBER 20, 2002 A Malaysian virus writer who is sympathetic to the cause of the al-Qaeda...

Re: BIND Flaws Reignite Security Debate
2002-11-20 07:57

Forwarded from: Felix von Leitner Thus spake InfoSec News (isn () c4i org):

Exclusive: Bin Laden associate warns of cyberattacks
2002-11-19 14:29

Forwarded from: Bob,4814,76000,00.html By DAN VERTON NOVEMBER 18, 2002 A London-based fundamentalist Islamic cleric with known ties to Osama bin Laden...

Security training for IT managers
2002-11-18 13:27,10801,75940,00.html By Peter H. Gregory CISSP, CISA NOVEMBER 15, 2002 In my first column, I wrote about how IT managers must think...

Microsoft calls 'foul' on OS vulnerability data
2002-11-08 09:03,10801,75721,00.html By Paul Roberts, IDG News Service NOVEMBER 07, 2002 Microsoft Corp. is responding to a report published last week...

Experts make changes to defend against Internet attacks
2002-11-07 10:51 By TED BRIDIS, Associated Press WASHINGTON (November 6, 2002 4:39 p.m. EST) - Experts have made an important change to the 13...

Hacking syndicates threaten banking
2002-11-06 06:27,10801,75584,00.html By DAN VERTON NOVEMBER 04, 2002 The number of organized hacking syndicates targeting financial...

Re: IG: State Department flunks systems security
2002-11-06 06:27

Forwarded from: Chris Wysopal A year after? How about 4.5 years after? Serious Weaknesses Put State Department and FAA Operations at Risk InfoSec News wrote:

Protecting the Premises
2002-11-06 06:25

Forwarded from: "eric wolbrom, CISSP" November 4, 2002 Protecting the Premises By Renee Boucher Ferguson Companies that provide financial services have been keen on taking steps to secure systems...