Security News

Live Webinar: API Security - Unlock the Secrets
2019-03-20 18:33

The application programming interface (API) has become the basic building block of business allowing applications and software to talk and share data. APIs are the critical component for...

Reg webinar: Tune in for some knowledge on how to become an effective leader in IT security
2019-03-12 14:35

The benefits of pragmatism Promo With companies of all sizes anxious to protect themselves from the growing danger of cyberattacks, what does it take to reach a leading role in the security field?…

Webinar – DevSecOps at Hulu: When security and DevOps meet
2019-03-11 07:45

While most DevOps manuals talk about how and why you should embed security into a company’s DevOps culture, the reality is that most security teams are built in a silo—and breaking free from that...

Live Webinar | Automate Threat Hunting with Security Analytics & Machine Learning
2019-03-06 19:18

Multi-stage attacks use diverse and distributed methods to circumvent existing defenses and evade detection - spanning endpoints, networks, email and other vectors in an attempt to land and...