Security News

Brovko was tasked with sifting through the logs of these botnets for internet banking credentials vacuumed by the malware, which were subsequently used by fellow conspirators to steal millions of dollars from Americans' accounts in fraudulent transfers. "Where his computer code could not effectively parse the data, Brovko supplemented his computer-automated efforts with manual searches of the data," his indictment [PDF] noted.

Donald Trump's Twitter password was easily guessed, and he still isn't using multi-factor authentication, claims a Dutch hacker who on Thursday bragged he broke into the President's account last week. Twitter was having none of it, though: the password guessing nor the link posting.

Cymatic unveiled exciting new features to its client-side web application firewall, CymaticONE + VADR-the only WAF solution that combines client-side WAF defenses with a proprietary vulnerability, awareness, detection, and response engine to deliver continuous in-session intelligence and cyber threat defense for users and applications. CymaticONE + VADR installs at the client with a single line of JavaScript to combat modern-day cyber threats such as Magecart, cross-site scripting, code-injection attacks, session hijacking, account takeovers, credential stuffing, bot attacks, and poor user security hygiene.

Since a typical vulnerability scanner needs to detect vulnerabilities in deployed software, they are not dependent on the language or technology used for the application they are scanning. We reviewed Netsparker Enterprise, which is one of the industry's top choices for web application vulnerability scanning.

Both firms know their users better than those users know themselves; observing trillions of interactions with digital intellects vast, cool and unsympathetic, applying these observations to build a predictive model used to direct and shape "Engagement". From fifty-plus years of anti-smoking efforts, we know that getting people to stop using something that they know is bad for them won't be easy.

75% of executives believe their organization scans all web applications for security vulnerabilities, while nearly 50% of security staff say they don't, a Netsparker survey reveals. Even more concerning, over 60% of DevOps respondents indicate that new security vulnerabilities are being found faster than they can be fixed, indicating that web application security efforts are insufficient.

A team of vulnerability spotters have netted themselves a six-figure payout from Apple after discovering dozens security holes in the Cupertino giant's computer systems, some of which could have been exploited to steal iOS source code, and more. Curry said the group decided to target Apple's public-facing networks in July, a few weeks after seeing the story of Bhavuk Jain, who earned $100,000 for finding a bug in Apple's customer sign-in system.

While there has been a year-over-year decrease in publicly disclosed data breaches, an Arctic Wolf report reveals that the number of corporate credentials with plaintext passwords on the dark web has increased by 429 percent since March. For a typical organization, this means there are now, on average, 17 sets of corporate credentials available on the dark web that could be used by hackers.

In Microsoft Edge preview builds, Microsoft has introduced a new tool called "Web Capture" that will allow you to capture screenshots of the webpages and create web notes. With Web Capture feature, you can take screenshots to copy or share.

Or the imposter pages may be part of a short-lived web hosting account - perhaps set up just a day or two before as a "Free trial" that will probably be shut down quickly, but not before the crooks will have cut and run anyway. Usually, the fake login form that performs the password-stealing part of a phishing scam appears somewhere in the phoney web page on website.