Security News

Deep and Dark Web: Complexity and escalating cybercriminal activity (Help Net Security)
2016-02-22 15:00

Flashpoint released an annual research report that looks to uncover the growing complexity of illicit communities and the industrialization of cybercrime over the past year. In the report,...

E-commerce web apps vulnerable to hijacking, database compromise (Help Net Security)
2016-02-18 21:00

High-Tech Bridge researchers have published details and PoC exploit code for several serious vulnerabilities in Osclass, osCmax, and osCommerce, three popular open source e-commerce web apps....

Survey of the Dark Web (Schneier on Security)
2016-02-15 12:19

Interesting paper on the dark web: Daniel Moore & Thomas Rid, "Cryptopolitik and the Darknet," Survival, 2016. (Technical annex here -- requires the Tor browser.) They conclude that it's mostly...