Security News

Echoes human rights groups' concerns that it could suppress free speech and more Networking giant Cisco has suggested the United Nations' first-ever convention against cyber crime is dangerously...

The United Nations Development Programme is investigating a cyberattack after threat actors breached its IT systems to steal human resources data. While the UN agency has yet to link the attack to a specific threat group, the 8Base ransomware gang added a new UNDP entry to its dark web data leak website on March 27.

A threat actor used stolen credentials from a United Nations employee to breach parts of the UN's network in April and steal critical data, a spokesman for the intergovernmental organization has confirmed. "We can confirm that unknown attackers were able to breach parts of the United Nations infrastructure in April of 2021," Dujarric said, according to the report.

The United Nations has called for a moratorium on the sale of "Life threatening" surveillance technology and singled out the NSO Group and Israel for criticism. The UN announcement then zeroes in on NSO Group, calling on it to "Disclose whether or not it ever conducted any meaningful human rights due diligence in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and publish fully the findings of any internal probes it may have undertaken on this issue".

Security researchers with Sakura Samurai identified exposed GitHub credentials on a United Nations Environment Programme subdomain, which allowed them to access a trove of data, including more than 100,000 employee records. While researching security flaws in assets within the scope of The United Nations' vulnerability disclosure program, the Sakura Samurai researchers discovered an subdomain that exposed.

Today, researchers have responsibly disclosed a security vulnerability by exploiting which they could access over 100,000 private employee records of United Nations Environmental Programme. The data breach stemmed from exposed Git directories and credentials, which allowed the researchers to clone Git repositories and gather a large amount of personally identifiable information associated with UNEP employees.

In 1965, Gordon Moore published a short informal paper, Cramming more components onto integrated circuits. Based on not much more but these few data points and his knowledge of silicon chip development - he was head of R&D at Fairchild Semiconductors, the company that was to seed Silicon Valley - he said that for the next decade, component counts by area could double every year.

The United Nations headquarters in New York as well as the U.N.'s sprawling Palais des Nations compound in Geneva, its European headquarters, did not immediately respond to questions from the AP about the incident. The internal document from the U.N. Office of Information and Technology said 42 servers were "Compromised" and another 25 were deemed "Suspicious," nearly all at the sprawling United Nations offices in Geneva and Vienna.

A currently ongoing mobile-aware phishing campaign is targeting various non-governmental entities worldwide, including United Nations humanitarian organizations such as UNICEF, Lookout reports. read more

The UN coordinates with global law enforcement to counter the rise of state-sponsored cyber-crime, says UN Chief of Cybercrime Neil Walsh.