Security News

How the UN manages governance of emerging technology
2018-06-20 13:11

Until companies recognize the need for a robust cyber-defense policy, cyber attacks will continue to happen, says Neil Walsh, UN Chief of Cybercrime.

North Korea Denies it Hacked UN Sanctions Committee Database
2018-05-03 01:07

North Korea on Wednesday denied hacking the database of a UN committee tasked with monitoring sanctions against Pyongyang, and called on Washington to focus on peace efforts ahead of a planned...

Global Powers Must Address 'Episodes of Cyberwar': UN Chief
2018-02-16 18:14

World leaders must lay the groundwork on how countries respond to cyberattacks that have proven to be a daunting threat, whether by state actors or criminal enterprises, UN secretary general...

UN Considering Killer Robot Ban (Schneier on Security)
2016-12-19 14:57

This would be a good idea, although I can't imagine countries like the US, China, and Russia going along with it -- at least not right now....