Security News

UK military denies ban on iPods
2004-07-14 05:49 By Alfred Hermida BBC News Online technology editor 13 July, 2004 The Ministry of Defence has denied reports that it has banned Apple's iPod due...

[defaced-commentary] UK Labour Party web site ownx0red by allah
2003-06-17 07:12

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 18:57:51 -0400 (EDT) From: security curmudgeon To: defaced-commentary () attrition org Subject: [defaced-commentary] UK Labour Party...

UK study: Passwords often easy to crack
2002-03-14 07:41

FIPR slams UK web banks over security
2000-10-12 13:45 James Middleton Oct. 11th 2000 The Foundation for Information Policy Research (FIPR) today launched a bitter attack on the UK's internet banks. The think...

Security scandals stifle UK ebusiness
2000-08-04 08:46 James Middleton Thursday 03 August 2000 Lack of consumer confidence is stifling ebusiness uptake in the UK, according to the National Consumer Council...