Security News

Any machine that allows SSH login would benefit from the addition of two-factor authentication.

Apple is facing a lawsuit from a user claiming that two-factor authentication is a "waste of their personal time." Here's why businesses shouldn't ignore the security measure.

Protecting an account with multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a no-brainer, but that doesn’t mean every method for doing this is equally secure.

Attackers are targeting two-factor authentication systems: Attackers working on behalf of the Iranian government collected detailed information on targets and used that knowledge to write...

34 popular consumer websites were put to the 2FA test.

From Kashmir Hill: Facebook is not content to use the contact information you willingly put into your Facebook profile for advertising. It is also using contact information you handed over for...

Stuart Schechter published a good primer on the security issues surrounding two-factor authentication. While it's often an important security measure, it's not a panacea. Stuart discusses the...

Popular Community Site Reddit Breached Through Continued Use of NIST-Deprecated SMS Two Factor Authentication (2FA) read more