Security News

Millions of Stolen MySpace, Tumblr Credentials Being Sold Online (Threatpost)
2016-05-31 17:37

Hackers are selling roughly 427 million passwords belonging to users of MySpace along with information on 65 million Tumblr users.

65 million Tumblr users’ email addresses, passwords sold on dark web (Help Net Security)
2016-05-31 14:33

Email addresses and hashed and salted passwords of 65 million Tumblr users are being sold online by “peace_of_mind,” aka “Peace”, the individual that recently offered for sale LinkedIn users’ data...

Tumblr Accounts Must Reset Passwords (Threatpost)
2016-05-13 16:45

Yahoo is forcing a password reset on Tumblr accounts after a cache of email addresses and salted and hashed passwords from 2013 were discovered in the wild.

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Scientists on Tumblr (Schneier on Security)
2016-03-11 22:21

Really great Tumblr feed. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....