Security News

TrickBot Banking Trojan Could Be Dyre Rewrite (Threatpost)
2016-10-17 20:30

Researchers at Fidelis report there are similarities in coding and behavior between a new banking Trojan called TrickBot and the notorious Dyre malware.

Android banking Trojan asks victims to send selfies with ID cards (Help Net Security)
2016-10-17 20:02

The Acecard Android Trojan is a threat that has been around for quite some time. Its main goal is to collect login credentials used by the victims to access their online banking, payment, email or...

Ghost Push Trojan Flourishing Via Malicious Links (Threatpost)
2016-10-14 21:24

Cheetah Mobile reports the origins of mobile Trojans are still coming from Ghost Push, which can root devices, show ads and install unwanted apps.