Security News

More and more apps equipped with ultrasonic tracking capability (Help Net Security)
2017-05-03 17:36

Researchers have found 234 Android applications that are constantly listening for ultrasonic beacons in the background, allowing companies to track users’ current location or their habits –...

WikiLeaks Reveals CIA Tool ‘Scribbles’ For Document Tracking (Threatpost)
2017-04-28 22:52

The CIA is planting web beacons inside Microsoft Word documents to track whistleblowers, journalists and informants, according to WikiLeaks.

Poachers are trying to hack animal tracking systems (Help Net Security)
2017-03-06 18:35

Animal tracking through electronic tagging has helped researchers gain insight into the lives of many wild animal species, but can also be misused by wildlife poachers, hunters, animal-persecution...