Security News

Former Tor developer helped the FBI unmask Tor users (Help Net Security)
2016-04-28 21:36

A developer who used to work at Tor Project is the mastermind behind “Torsploit” (aka “Cornhusker”), the malware that was used by the FBI in 2012 to unmask visitors to three child pornography...

One Million Access Facebook Over Tor (Threatpost)
2016-04-25 19:11

Facebook reports that for the first time in a given 30-day period, more than one million people access the social network over Tor.

FBI Mum on How Exactly It Hacked Tor (Threatpost)
2016-04-01 12:15

The FBI has refused to comply with a judge's request to describe how it was able to compromise Tor and trigger a wave of child pornography investigations last year.