Security News

i3 Ops AI platform identifies social media threats in real time
2019-04-11 03:00

i3 Operations (i3 Ops) Artificial Intelligence Maintaining Safety (AIMS), an AI platform that unravels the chaos of social media in real time to identify threats has emerged from stealth mode. i3...

Closed loop automation combats IoT security threats in the 5G age
2019-04-10 05:45

The 5G race is on as carriers prepare for the onset of the next wireless generation in their own ways. While some have pseudo-definitions of 5G, others like Verizon and AT&T, are leading the 5G...

Shadow App Development: Insider Threat or Opportunity?
2019-04-09 15:39

The challenge for most enterprises is that the demand for software is so high that traditional development teams often can’t keep up.

SAS 2019: 4 Stuxnet-Related APTs Form Gossip Girl, an ‘Apex Threat Actor’
2019-04-09 12:06

Flowershop, Equation, Flame and Duqu appear to have a hand in the different phases of Stuxnet development, all working as part of an operation active as early as 2006.

The unique business-critical threats facing converged IT-OT systems
2019-04-08 04:45

Manufacturing networks still running outdated technology could risk their intellectual property and production processes. The Trend Micro report, Securing Smart Factories: Threats to Manufacturing...

Analysis: The Evolving Ransomware Threat
2019-04-05 10:33

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report offers an in-depth look at the ever-changing ransomware threat. Other topics: filling the DevSecOps skills gap and the repercussions of Australia's...

Only 12% of enterprises are consistently able to detect insider threats
2019-04-05 05:30

73 percent of IT professionals believe that insider attacks have become more frequent in the past year. Additionally, 59 percent said that their organizations experienced at least one insider...

What is shadow mining and why is it a security threat?
2019-04-05 05:15

The majority of organizations are overlooking the threat of shadow mining, with 65 percent of organizations unfamiliar with the term and more than half (57 percent) unfamiliar with the...

Build Versus Buy: Threat Intelligence and Digital Risk
2019-04-04 15:40

An increasing reliance on online digital technologies, driven in no small part by the many operational benefits they deliver, has prompted organizations to consider investing in capabilities that...

Free Cynet Threat Assessment for Mid-sized and Large Organizations
2019-04-04 13:26

Have your business try Cynet's Free Threat Assessment that checks for malware, C&C connections, data exfiltration, phishing link access, user credential thefts attempts, etc.