Security News
The e-commerce card-skimming landscape has a new wrinkle: Cybercriminals affiliated with the Magecart collective are using encrypted messaging service Telegram as a channel for sending stolen credit-card information back to its command-and-control servers. "Telegram is a popular and legitimate instant messaging service that provides end-to-end encryption, [and] a number of cybercriminals abuse it for their daily communications but also for automated tasks found in malware." He added, "The novelty [here] is the presence of the Telegram code to exfiltrate the stolen data."
Version 5.0 gains the ability to display conversation histories and secret chats in Telegram, one of the world's most popular instant messaging apps. Elcomsoft Phone Viewer 5.0 gains the ability to display Telegram conversations by analyzing the iPhone file system image.
A recently identified data stealer is using Telegram to exfiltrate information harvested from infected machines, Juniper Networks security researchers say. read more
The malware harvests data, steals cryptocurrency and drops additional malware, while masquerading as a Fortnite aimbot and more.
The Telegram secure messaging application was found to breach users’ privacy by failing to properly remove images from a device’s local storage when the sender selects to delete them for all...
A security researcher uncovered a flaw in Telegram's 'unsend message' feature.
Infosec bod bags $2.5k for spotting image privacy bug VIdeo Telegram has fixed a bug that broke one of its chat app's key privacy features: the ability to fully delete your sensitive messages on...
As politicians should know by now, secure messaging apps such as Telegram can quickly become a double-edged sword.
The issue, present on Android versions, is similar to the known man-in-the-disk attack vector.
If you think that the media files you receive on your end-to-end encrypted secure messaging apps can not be tampered with, you need to think again. Security researchers at Symantec yesterday...