Security News

Up up and Huawei in my beautiful buffoon: Trump sparks panic by tying tech kit ban, charges to China trade negotiations
2019-02-26 22:05

National security, sanctions allegations, pfft, you don't understand the art of the deal Efforts to pressure the White House into banning Huawei hardware from America's networks may have backfired.…

Tech Industry Pushes for Australian Encryption Law Changes
2019-02-26 13:18

Senate Committee Reviewing Law With an Eye to AmendTechnology organizations say Australia's anti-encryption law passed in December is already undermining trust in their local operations. The...

China's tech giants are a security threat to the UK, says Brit spy bigwig
2019-02-25 19:08

Times are strange when spies talk about infosec and economics colliding The world must "understand the opportunities and threats from China's technological offer", GCHQ director Jeremy Fleming...

Tech companies fret over data privacy, but ready to bet on IPO market
2019-02-22 06:00

Cybersecurity concerns, along with U.S. economic growth, are the two top drivers anticipated to spur overall U.S. tech industry growth in 2019. Data privacy remains at the center of the sector’s...

'This collaboration is absolutely critical going forward'... One positive thing about Meltdown CPU hole? At least it put aside tech rivalries...
2019-02-15 07:12

Execs, experts hope this cooperation continues to hold for the next big bug A panel of eggheads from Intel, the US government, and academia held court this week to figure how they can keep the...

Tech Data launches Cloud Solutions Factory
2019-02-15 00:30

Tech Data announced the launch of Cloud Solutions Factory, a new global portfolio of end-to-end cloud solutions. The new offering features a host of click-to-run solutions developed by leveraging...

ORNL teams with EPB to demonstrate next-generation grid security tech
2019-02-13 23:03

A team of researchers from ORNL (Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge and Los Alamos National Laboratories) has partnered with EPB, a Chattanooga utility and telecommunications company, to demonstrate...

British and US militaries' drone swarm hackathon definitely isn't about army tech
2019-02-13 13:50

It's about fighting fires, not starting them, say defence bods The British military has commissioned a hackathon to develop drone swarms – while claiming that it's definitely not about developing...

Nearly two-thirds of organizations say tech skills gap is impacting IT audits
2019-02-13 06:15

Technologies such as AI are reshaping the future of IT auditors, but auditors are largely optimistic about the future, according to new research from ISACA. In the Future of IT Audit, the results...

Have tech companies taken two-factor authentication too far?
2019-02-12 17:33

Apple is facing a lawsuit from a user claiming that two-factor authentication is a "waste of their personal time." Here's why businesses shouldn't ignore the security measure.