Security News

Analysts worry about tech security threats ahead of 2020 elections
2019-12-06 19:30

Security experts say most voting machines are safe and secure, but disinformation campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Twitter need to be addressed.

Becoming a Tech Policy Activist
2019-12-04 12:04

Carolyn McCarthy gave an excellent TEDx talk about becoming a tech policy activist. It's a powerful call for public-interest technologists....

Federal Data Privacy Bill Takes Aim at Tech Giants
2019-11-27 15:26

The COPRA legislation would provide GDPR-like data protections, and create a new FTC enforcement bureau.

Traveling for the holidays? Avoid these 5 tech mistakes
2019-11-15 14:48

Wi-Fi hotspots, public charging stations, and travel planning sites seem helpful, but they could actually be a traveler's worst nightmare.

Consumer Data Privacy Rights: Emerging Tech Blurs Lines
2019-11-13 22:19

Data privacy is a fundamental right for Americans - but new emerging technologies like drone, IoT and facial recognition are introducing gray areas.

Tech Support Scammers Exploiting Unpatched Firefox Bug
2019-11-12 13:19

Mozilla is working on addressing a Firefox bug that has been exploited by tech support scammers to lock the browser when users visit specially crafted websites. read more

Twitter Spy Case Highlights Risks for Big Tech Platforms
2019-11-11 01:30

The allegations of spying by former Twitter employees for Saudi Arabia underscore the risks for Silicon Valley firms holding sensitive data which make the platforms ripe for espionage. read more

Tech Firms React to Netizens' Digital Privacy Concerns
2019-11-08 11:53

Whistleblowers and digital pioneers have long been sounding the alarm about abuses of our privacy online. Now, a slew of tech entrepreneurs are bidding to turn growing consciousness about the...

Rogue TrendMicro Employee Sold Customer Data to Tech Support Scammers
2019-11-07 11:49

Do you always uncomfortable trusting companies with your data? If so, you're not alone. While companies do much to protect themselves from external threats, insiders always pose the highest risk...

IBM: Face Recognition Tech Should be Regulated, Not Banned
2019-11-05 15:56

IBM weighed in Tuesday on the policy debate over facial recognition technology, arguing against an outright ban but calling for "precision regulation" to protect privacy and civil liberties. read more