Security News
Facebook subsidiary WhatsApp has received new high-caliber support in its case against Israeli intelligence company NSO Group. The court case aims to hold NSO Group accountable for distributing its Pegasus spyware on the popular WhatsApp messaging service with the intent of planting its spyware on phones of journalists and human rights workers.
Microsoft, Cisco, GitHub, Google, LinkedIn, VMware and the Internet Association have filed an amicus brief in support of WhatsApp in the legal case against the NSO Group. Facebook-owned messaging service WhatsApp filed the lawsuit in October 2019 in California, accusing Israeli technology firm NSO Group of spying on journalists, human rights activists and others.
Tom Merritt lists five tech skills to master in the coming year. TechRepublic's Veronica Combs talked to online course providers, tech experts, and chief people officers to find out what skills will be most in demand.
If you want to improve or expand your current skill set, there are a few options you can focus on. Tom Merritt lists five tech skills to master in the coming year.
A company hailed as the UK's top tech employer tried to diddle a former trainee out of £2,000 in unlawfully withheld back pay - and a judge was startled when he discovered how Sparta Global treats its new hires. The £22k demand could be reduced depending on how long the trainee had worked for Sparta Global before quitting.
As many as 25 private companies - including the Israeli company NSO Group and the Italian firm Hacking Team - have sold surveillance software to Mexican federal and state police forces, but there is little or no regulation of the sector - and no way to control where the spyware ends up, said the officials. The cyberweapons arms business is immoral in many ways.
Big tech companies face hefty fines in the European Union and Britain if they treat rivals unfairly or fail to protect users on their platforms, in proposed regulations unveiled Tuesday by officials in Brussels and London. Big tech companies won't be allowed, for example, to stop users from uninstalling preinstalled software or apps, nor will they be able to use data from business users to compete against them.
To help tech professionals get a stronger grasp on the important technology and how to leverage it within their own organizations, ISACA has released two new resources: Blockchain Framework and Guidance and Blockchain: An Executive View. Blockchain Framework and Guidance offers a comprehensive blockchain reference, including overview, history, information about types and their benefits and features, as well as use cases and a framework for enterprise adoption.
Ireland's Data Protection Commission has fined Twitter €450,000 after ruling a bug in the firm's Android app that allowed users' private messages to be publicly viewed infringed the EU's General Data Protection Regulation. "The DPC's investigation commenced in January, 2019 following receipt of a breach notification from Twitter and the DPC has found that Twitter infringed Article 33(1) and 33(5) of the GDPR in terms of a failure to notify the breach on time to the DPC and a failure to adequately document the breach. The DPC has imposed an administrative fine of €450,000 on Twitter as an effective, proportionate and dissuasive measure" the DPC said.
Deloitte picked resilience as the theme for its 12th annual tech trends report; a word that became a mantra in nearly every organization after their 2020 plans were upended by the coronavirus pandemic. In a webinar Monday, the firm identified nine trends separated into three groups that focus on how organizations can use technology to digitize, modernize, and enhance their businesses.