Security News

Top tech trends for 2022
2021-12-03 05:00

Info-Tech Research Group has revealed its annual top tech trends insights for the coming year, based on insights from 475 IT professionals who participated in an industry survey, exploring how ripple effects from the pandemic will impact the evolving digital economy in 2022. Five tech trends identified for 2022 Hybrid collaboration - IT leaders will have an opportunity to lead hybrid work by facilitating collaboration between virtual and onsite employees for a digital employee experience that is flexible, contextual, and free from the friction of current hybrid operating models.

Singapore and UK ink digital trade agreements at Future Tech Forum in London
2021-12-01 14:30

Singapore and the UK signed three memorandums of understanding this week, hoping to strengthen digital connectivity between the two island nations. In a canned statement, Singapore's Minister for Communications and Information, Josephine Teo, said the agreement would "Further strengthen the links between Singapore and the UK in digital trade facilitation, digital identities and cybersecurity."

Privacy Sandbox saga continues: UK watchdog extracts more commitments from Google over ad tech
2021-11-26 13:33

The CMA's claims come in the wake of yesterday's call by the UK's data watchdog, the Information Commissioner's Office, for Google and co to sort out the privacy risks posed by ads. In June the CMA consulted on initial commitments offered by Google and the feedback from third parties was... they needed a bit of work.

Government-favoured child safety app warned it could violate the UK's Investigatory Powers Act with message-scanning tech
2021-11-26 12:23

A company repeatedly endorsed by ministers backing the UK's Online Safety Bill was warned by its lawyers that its technology could breach the Investigatory Powers Act's ban on unlawful interception of communications, The Register can reveal. SafeToNet, a content-scanning startup whose product is aimed at parents and uses AI to monitor messages sent to and from children's online accounts, had to change its product after being warned that a feature developed for the government-approved app would break the law.

US bans Chinese firms – including one linked to HPE’s China JV – for feeding tech to Beijing's military
2021-11-25 01:11

The US Dept of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security has added 27 companies to its list of entities prohibited from doing business with the USA on grounds they threaten national security - and one of the firms is associated with HPE's Chinese joint venture H3C. A preliminary announcement [PDF] of the bans lists a company named New H3C Semiconductor Technologies Co., Ltd on the grounds of its "Support of the military modernization of the People's Liberation Army.". The addresses given by Uncle Sam for this semiconductor business matches those listed on the website of H3C, the Chinese company formed as a joint venture between HPE and Tsinghua Unigroup to build networking products.

UK government publishes guidance on security rules for tech takeovers
2021-11-17 11:46

The UK government has published guidance describing what technologies may be caught within the National Security and Investment Act 2021, which is set to give ministers the power to halt mergers and acquisitions. The guidance says that "If an entity you are acquiring performs a certain activity, it could put you in scope of the National Security and Investment Act and you may be legally required to tell the government about it. This guidance tells you what these activities are."

Pay-per-click fraud is costing top tech companies, and you, hundreds of millions of dollars
2021-11-12 18:47

With an estimated 14% of PPC costs being lost to fraud, all it takes is a look at the advertising budgets of top tech firms to see how much money they're wasting, says PPC Shield. Click fraud prevention company PPC Shield has released the results of a study that concludes the biggest companies in the U.S. have lost a combined $717 million dollars to abuse of pay-per-click advertising fraud.

If even tech leaders struggle with email encryption, are we all doomed?
2021-11-11 18:00

Email is fundamental to the operation of most businesses. 90 per cent of IT execs are prioritizing the protection of docs and info in emails according to research from Echoworx.

Former Broadcom engineer accused of pinching chip tech to share with new Chinese employer
2021-11-10 05:56

A federal grand jury has charged a former Broadcom engineer with stealing trade secrets and using them while working at a new employer - a Chinese chip start-up. Kim allegedly lifted the trade secrets from one of Broadcom's employee-only repositories as he prepared to leave the company in July of 2020.

2022 will be the year of convergence between edge, IoT and networking tech, Forrester predicts
2021-11-04 16:23

Forrester has released a set of five predictions for the IoT, edge computing and networking markets in 2022 that are based on "Specific, observable changes" to those industries. "In 2022, demand for sustainability-related services powered by edge and IoT will grow for energy efficiency and resource management," Forrester said.