Security News

The wiper malware affecting 9,000 workstations and 500 servers inside Chile’s largest financial institution turns out to have been a distraction.

First, Attackers Distracted Bank, Using Buhtrap Malware to Cause MayhemBanco de Chile has become the latest victim of a SWIFT-related malware incident. Attackers first corrupted thousands of PCs'...

Following the Unauthorized Transfer Attempt, Philippines Alerts Its BanksMalaysia's central bank, Bank Negara Malaysia, says it detected and successfully blocked an attack that attempted to steal...

Malicious hackers attempted to steal millions of dollars from banks in Russia and India by abusing the SWIFT global banking network. A report published last week by Russia’s central bank on the...

$4.4 Million Moved to Accounts in US, UK and Japan via Fraudulent SWIFT MessagesFraudulent SWIFT money-moving attacks continue, as one of Nepal's largest private-sector commercial banks, NIC Asia...

Increased Spending Follows Bangladesh Bank Heist, Ongoing AttacksBanks that collectively own SWIFT saw their profits vanish last year as the organization increased its investments in information...

The latest ShadowBrokers dump includes exploits that allowed the NSA to target SWIFT data managed by outsourced service bureaus in the Middle East.