Security News

Default SSH Key Found in Many Cisco Security Appliances (Threatpost)
2015-06-25 19:02

Many Cisco security appliances contain default, authorized SSH keys that can allow an attacker to connect to an appliance and take almost any action he chooses.

Microsoft will add SSH support to PowerShell (Help Net Security)
2015-06-04 11:24

Third time's the charm for Microsoft's PowerShell team, as they will - after two previous attempts unsuccessful due to leadership and culture - finally implement SSH support. Angel Calvo, a group s...

Microsoft to Support SSH in Windows (Threatpost)
2015-06-03 15:29

After several false starts, Microsoft finally is planning to support SSH in Windows and the company’s engineers also will contribute to the OpenSSH project. While SSH has been a popular tool for...

Audit of GitHub SSH Keys Finds Many Still Vulnerable to Old Debian Bug (Threatpost)
2015-06-03 11:37

An audit of the SSH keys associated with more than a million GitHub accounts shows that some users have weak, easily factorable keys and many more are using keys that are still vulnerable to the...

Weak SSH keys opened many GitHub repositories to compromise (Help Net Security)
2015-06-03 10:37

Github repositories of many entities, projects, and even one government could have been compromised and used to deliver malicious code due to the owners' use of easily crackable SSH keys. "A little...