Security News
What does it take to execute a successful spam operation peddling diet pills of questionable effectiveness? For one spammer, it took some 750,000 fake Twitter accounts. Symantec researchers first s...
Canada's fledgling anti-spam laws have brought their first success, with a $1.1 million fine levied against a Canadian business training firm.
In case you needed yet another reason to change the default username and password on your wired or wireless Internet router: Phishers are sending out links that, when clicked, quietly alter the... By Steve Ragan Staff Writer CSO Online August 14, 2013 By Steven Musil Security & Privacy CNET News July 18, 2012 By Maksim Bogodvid RIA Novosti May 3, 2012 By Robert McMillan IDG News Service March 21, 2011 A Texas man was charged Monday by the U.S....