Security News

Feds cuff coder accused of US bank source code swipe
2012-01-20 08:45 By Brid-Aine Parnell The Register 19th January 2012

Zeus Sourcecode Leak Opens Up New Crimeware Markets:	Researchers
2011-05-17 05:15 By Stefanie Hoffman CRN May 16, 2011 Sourcecode for the notorious Zeus banking Trojan...

RE: Source code stolen from U.S. software company in India
2004-08-11 05:43

Forwarded from: Chris Wysopal,10801,95045,00.html "The company said that according to a report obtained from its branch in...

Theft of Cisco Source Code Stirs Fears of Security Threat
2004-05-25 06:15,10801,93352,00.html News Story by Jaikumar Vijayan MAY 24, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD The theft of proprietary operating system source code...

China next to get access to Microsoft source code
2003-03-03 09:25

Forwarded from: William Knowles,10801,78935,00.html [Anyone that thinks this is a "Good Idea" should read "Sources and Techniques of...