Security News

Security experts form patch support group
2003-12-09 10:37,10801,87950,00.html Story by Network World staff DECEMBER 08, 2003 NETWORK WORLD Patching is such a headache these days that a number...

GAO Report Targets IRS Security Weaknesses
2003-11-18 12:11 By Roy Mark November 17, 2003 The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and other Department of Treasury agencies, continue to have "material weaknesses"...

Homeland Security CIO calls for cybersecurity, communications standards
2003-11-14 14:46

Forwarded from: William Knowles,10801,87098,00.html Story by Lucas Mearian NOVEMBER 13, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Steven...

New laws to drive '04 security agenda
2003-11-11 12:46,10801,87002,00.html Story by Jaikumar Vijayan NOVEMBER 10, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD WASHINGTON -- The need to comply with an array of complex...

White House rewriting core security policy document
2003-11-10 06:31,10801,86956,00.html Story by Dan Verton NOVEMBER 07, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration is rewriting the document...

Congress' role in IT security debated
2003-11-07 06:56,10801,86902,00.html By Grant Gross NOVEMBER 06, 2003 A U.S. House of Representatives member proposed today that Congress require every...

Microsoft posts 'revisions' to security bulletins
2003-10-24 07:33,10801,86399,00.html Story by Paul Roberts OCTOBER 23, 2003 IDG NEWS SERVICE Two software patches Microsoft Corp. released last week...

Former White House cybersecurity czar calls for security audit standards
2003-10-21 10:10,10801,86242,00.html Story by Matt Hamblen OCTOBER 20, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. -- Former White House cybersecurity...

Hospitals back off Cisco LEAP security for WLANs
2003-10-20 05:23,10801,86189,00.html Story by Bob Brewin OCTOBER 17, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD For some health care IT managers, Cisco Systems Inc.'s wireless...

10 steps to a successful security policy
2003-10-15 08:22

Forwarded from: William Knowles,10801,85583,00.html Advice by Adrian Duigan, NetIQ OCTOBER 08, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD There are two parts...