Security News NDSS Needs Your Participation Your participation is what gives the symposium its value. Security professionals like yourself meeting and... By Jack M. Germain TechNewsWorld 01/24/07 Security provider Check Point announced last week that it is near completion of three acquisitions. The... By Alec Klein and Ellen Nakashima Washington Post Staff Writers January 9, 2007 When Microsoft introduces its... By Sari Horwitz, Mary Beth Sheridan and Carol D. Leonnig Washington Post Staff Writers September 23, 2006...

Forwarded from: *Hobbit* oh, bunkum. I'll believe that the credit card companies actually CARE about security when I see ALL of them implement a solid number-per-purchase system BY DEFAULT, and... By David S. Hilzenrath Washington Post Staff Writer August 29, 2006 In-Q-Tel, the venture capital arm of the... KUALA LUMPUR AP May 23, 2006 Southeast Asia will inevitably face an Internet-based attack by terrorists against key... By PATRICK GRAY May 16, 2006 Australia's foremost private IT security organisation says throwing money... This is a transcript from PM. The program is broadcast around Australia at 5:10pm on Radio National and 6:10pm on ABC Local Radio. Reporter:...,10801,110094,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan MARCH 30, 2006 COMPUTERWORLD An unpatched flaw in a "widely used security program" was...