Security News Security and the Net Mar. 05, 2009 Last week, Matthew Dempsky posted an attack against Dan Bernstein.s djbdns software.... Digital Transactions News December 23, 2008 The latest data-breach battleground has shifted to merchant-acquiring and prepaid card... By Linda McGlasson Managing Editor Bank Info Security December 22, 2008 MEXICO CITY, Mexico CNN Nov 19, 2008 A vicious turf war between drug cartels and Mexican authorities that has left as many as 4,300 dead... By Lindsay Murdoch November 9, 2008 Australian Federal Police have launched... By Asavin Wattanajantra in Madrid IT Pro 9 Oct 2008 A leading UK security authority has said that he believes that... Objective: The purpose of this independent research is to survey the entire spectrum of Information Security professionals, with a variety of skill sets, and at... A Decade of Oracle Security Mon Jul 28 13:57:15 EDT 2008 Jericho (Security Curmudgeon) Oracle Corporation, one of the largest software companies in the...
Forwarded from: security curmudgeon After being provided a link to the original paper and reading additional comments, I wanted to follow-up to my original post [1] with more thoughts. If you want... RICHMOND, VA, July 14, 2008 - The Open Security Foundation (OSF) is pleased to announce that the DataLossDB (also known as the Data Loss...