Security News

Re: Want better workplace security?
2001-12-24 08:17

Forwarded from: Robert G. Ferrell

2001-12-24 08:16

Forwarded from: Jason Ware This is someone's eggdrop botnet, the first part of the dump is the user file. The -bfoN is the user flags set, and b means another bot. The port it listens to, 9872, is...

Security hole leaves some Unix servers wide open
2001-12-17 07:27 By MATTHEW FORDAHL, Associated Press SAN JOSE, Calif. (December 14, 2001 6:34 p.m. EST) - A recently uncovered security hole could...

Israeli high-tech firms may benefit from security concerns
2001-10-24 07:17 By JASON KEYSER, Associated Press TEL AVIV, Israel (October 23, 2001 10:00 p.m. EDT) - In the doldrums for the past year, Israel's...

Info Security 'Teachers' Need More Learning
2001-10-02 09:23,1199,NAV47_STO64314,00.html THORNTON MAY October 01, 2001 A longtime editor of Scientific American recalls meeting a famous movie critic. After introducing...

SSSCA = Digital Rectal Thermometer Security Act ?
2001-09-11 06:08

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 00:55:51 -0400 From: Ronald L. Rivest To: cryptography () wasabisystems com, farber () cis upenn edu Subject: SSSCA = Digital Rectal...

Security fears force cancer center to shelve wireless plan
2001-08-30 05:43,4125,NAV47_STO63396,00.html By BOB BREWIN August 29, 2001 ASPEN, COL. -- The MD Andersen Cancer Center in Houston last week abruptly put an 18-month effort...

Copyright law chills IT security research
2001-08-21 08:04,1199,NAV47-68-84-91_STO63180,00.html By DAN VERTON August 20, 2001 A cloud of fear and uncertainty hung over the 10th annual Usenix Security Symposium...

Security Alert, August 17, 2001: Multiple Vulnerabilities in ISA 2000 Server, IIS 5.0, and IIS 4.0; DoS Condition in Windows NNTP Service
2001-08-18 08:31

**** This Security Alert is brought to you by the Windows IT Security channel on the Windows 2000 Magazine Network ****

Security Statistics
2001-08-06 08:17

Forwarded by: Mark Bernard Good afternoon all, Something of interest for your perusal; It's true that most of you won't be surprised by this list, but it always nice to know that there really are...