Security News

At security confab, Clinton urges risk, investment
2011-02-22 06:29 By Josh Lowensohn CNet News Security February 18, 2011 SAN FRANCISCO -- Like any great endeavor, information technology does not come without its...

CFP: 6th Workshop on Security and High Performance Computing Systems (SHPCS'11) - EXTENDED DEADLINE FEB. 28
2011-02-17 07:43

Forwarded from: Yacine Zemali [Apologies if you receive multiple copies. Please distribute this call to interested parties.]...

IT Pros Admit to Retaining Security Access at Former Job Sites: Survey
2011-02-17 07:41 By Chris Preimesberger 2011-02-16 SAN FRANCISCO -- Apparently, security...

Re: Cyber Security 'Expert' Is Felon, Accused Plagiarist,	Uncertified Hacker
2011-02-16 08:48

Forwarded from: security curmudgeon : : : By Jeff Chirico : CBS Atlanta Investigative Reporter : February 14, 2011 : : ATLANTA -- CBS Atlanta is...

Israeli security chief celebrates Stuxnet cyber attack
2011-02-16 08:48 By Christopher Williams Technology Correspondent 16 Feb 2011 The...

Experts: China must raise level of cyber security
2011-02-14 09:23 By Zhou Wa China Daily 2011-02-12 BEIJING - Chinese experts called for more attention to be given to China's cyber security...

Low security awareness found across IT
2011-02-11 09:50 By Jaikumar Vijayan Computerworld February 10, 2011 A broad spectrum of IT people, including those close to...

USENIX Security '11 Submission Deadline Approaching
2011-02-02 11:14

Forwarded from: Lionel Garth Jones I am writing to remind you that the paper submission deadline for the 20th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '11) is quickly approaching. Please submit...

Microsoft warns of security flaw that 'affects 900 MILLION people using Internet Explorer'
2011-02-01 06:47 By Daily Mail Reporters 31st January 2011 Microsoft has issued a...

After attack, SourceForge speeds move to new security model
2011-02-01 06:46 By Jeremy Kirk IDG News Service January 31, 2011 The open-source software development site...