Security News

Microsoft releases EMET 5.2 (Help Net Security)
2015-03-16 13:37

Microsoft has released version 5.2 of its Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET), a free utility that can detect and block exploitation techniques that are commonly used to exploit memory corru...

Yahoo announces email encryption plugin, password-free logins (Help Net Security)
2015-03-16 13:00

Yahoo email users will soon be able to encrypt the emails they send out by simply clicking on a button. In addition to this, users will be able to effectively forget their email passwords and request ...

TeslaCrypt ransomware attacks gamers - "all your files are belong to us!" (Naked Security)
2015-03-16 12:45

TeslaCrypt is a new ransomware that goes above and beyond CryptoLocker in the types of files it seeks out to hold for ransom, including those related to video games. SophosLabs dug in to find out...

Event:  12th CISO Summit & Roundtable Geneva 2015 (Help Net Security)
2015-03-16 12:42

The 12th CISO Summit will give you direct insights from Europe’s most experienced CISOs, you will get the latest top hot buttons and focuses from other CISOs for the coming 5 years - shared prediction...

Students create open source, cross-platform memory scanning tool (Help Net Security)
2015-03-16 11:01

Mozilla has unveiled the result of a successful project executed by a group of Computer Science students from Argentina: it's called Masche, and it's an open source, cross-platform tool for inspecting...

Full rules for protecting net neutrality released by FCC (Naked Security)
2015-03-16 10:48

The commission will decide what's acceptable on a case-by-case basis. Let the legal battles begin!

Event:  Decepticon 2015 (Help Net Security)
2015-03-16 10:04

Decepticon brings together researchers and practitioners in the detection and prevention of deception. Previously, deception research has been fragmented across conferences in many different disciplin...

Bank tests heartbeat-encoded wristbands for online authentication (Naked Security)
2015-03-16 09:45

Halifax is trialing the use of a wristband to store our ECGs, given that our hearts are random number generators unique to every individual.