Security News

OpenSSH bug enables attackers to brute-force their way into poorly configured servers (Help Net Security)
2015-07-23 14:35

A vulnerability in the popular secure remote access software OpenSSH can be exploited by attackers to try to brute-force their way into the connection and access Internet-facing computers and/or serve...

Bug in OS X Yosemite allows attackers to gain root access (Help Net Security)
2015-07-23 12:42

Security researcher Stefan Esser has revealed the existence of a privilege escalation vulnerability affecting OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), and has provided a working proof of concept local exploit that inst...

How experts stay safe online and what non-experts can learn from them (Help Net Security)
2015-07-23 10:54

Google researchers have asked 231 security experts and 294 web-users who aren’t security experts about their security best practices, and the list of top ones for each group differs considerably: ...

Smartwatches: A new and open frontier for attack (Help Net Security)
2015-07-23 09:24

Smartwatches with network and communication functionality represent a new and open frontier for cyberattack, according to HP. They found that 100 percent of the tested smartwatches contain significant...

Test your defensive and offensive skills in the eCSI Hacker Playground (Help Net Security)
2015-07-23 09:02

BalaBit and Silent Signal today announced that registration is now open for the eCSI Hacker Playground. The hacker challenge is a global online competition, specially designed for the Black Hat USA 20...

The challenges of implementing tokenization in a medium-sized enterprise (Help Net Security)
2015-07-23 07:56

We have seen a concerning pattern in the recent data breaches, including the breach at the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) and other US government agencies in that the primary target was Social Securi...

Do CISOs deserve a seat at the leadership table? (Help Net Security)
2015-07-23 07:02

A ThreatTrack security survey of C-level executives at U.S. enterprises employing a CISO found that despite a rash of high-profile data breaches in the last year, many in the C-suite still fail to ful...

Global managed security services market to reach $29.9 billion by 2020 (Help Net Security)
2015-07-23 06:59

The global managed security services market is expected to reach $29.9billion by 2020, registering a CAGR of 15.8% during 2014-2020, according to Allied Market Research. The cloud-based managed sec...