Security News

NoTrove threat actor delivering millions of scam ads (Help Net Security)
2017-04-26 17:30

Researchers at RiskIQ have identified NoTrove, a threat actor that is delivering millions of scam ads that threaten consumers and further undermine the digital advertising industry. NoTrove was so...

Research on Tech-Support Scams (Schneier on Security)
2017-04-12 11:34

Interesting paper: "Dial One for Scam: A Large-Scale Analysis of Technical Support Scams": Abstract: In technical support scams, cybercriminals attempt to convince users that their machines are...

UK residents hit with extremely personalized scam emails (Help Net Security)
2017-03-30 15:25

A compelling and potentially very successful email spam campaign is being leveraged against UK residents, warns Sophos researcher Paul Ducklin. The email addresses the recipients by their first...

Widespread Email Scam Targets Github Developers with Dimnie Trojan (The Hackers News)
2017-03-30 01:52

Open source developers who use the popular code-sharing site GitHub were put on alert after the discovery of a phishing email campaign that attempts to infect their computers with an advanced...