Security News
DOUG. Password manager cracks, login bugs, and Queen Elizabeth I versus Mary Queen of Scots of course! Our last story of the day: Don't panic, but there's apparently a way to crack the master password for open-source password manager KeePass.
If you are not aware that the Caller ID number that shows up on your phone is nothing more than a hint, that anybody can put in anything, and that anybody with your worst interests at heart who wants to stalk you can, for a modest monthly outlay, buy into a service that will help them do it automatically. If you don't know that that's the case, you're probably going to have your guard way, way down when that call comes through and says, "I'm calling from the bank. You can see that from the number. Oh dear, there's been fraud on your account", and then the caller talks you into doing a whole load of things that you wouldn't listen to for a moment otherwise.
You know your catchphrase, "We'll keep an eye on that"? Even worse, Doug, it seems that, when they became suspicious of him.
"We've hacked their stuff, including source code, development tools, and private keys. We will publish stolen data when timer expires," they said. One key that they referred to as an Intel OEM debugging key.
DOUG. Passwords, botnets, and malware on the Mac. If I read correctly, Doug, the court order also allows, for this limited period, Google to almost unilaterally add new locations themselves to the blocklist.
DOUG. Remote code execution, remote code execution, and 2FA codes in the cloud. The remote code execution bug they patched at the end of March 2023.
DOUG. Juicejacking, public psychotherapy, and Fun with FORTRAN. All that and more on the Naked Security podcast. DOUG. Well, you might say, "You can't spell 'FORTRAN' without 'fun'."
DOUG Patches aplenty, connected garage doors, and motherboard malfeasance. DUCK I am still trying to make sense of when you said "Connected garage doors", Doug.
DOUG. Wi-Fi hacks, World Backup Day, and supply chain blunders. DUCK. Very simply put, the only backup you will ever regret is the one you did not make.
DOUG. Honeypots, patches and the passing of an icon. DUCK. I know where I want it to stop, Doug!