Security News

Week in review: Researchers hack surgery robot, 5-year-old malware turns Linux servers into spamming machines (Help Net Security)
2015-05-04 05:03

Here's an overview of some of last week's most interesting news, podcasts and articles: The invasion of biometrics Depending on where you stand biometrics is a good thing or something that is do...

Researchers mount cyber attacks against surgery robot (Help Net Security)
2015-04-28 14:50

A group of researchers from University of Washington have tested the security of a teleoperated robotic surgery system created by their colleagues, and have found it severely lacking. "Teleoperated...

Security Experts Hack Teleoperated Surgical Robot
2015-04-27 16:01 MIT Technology Review Emerging Technology From the arXiv April 24, 2015

USA Picks Up Computer Hacking Drama Pilot 'Mr. Robot'
2014-07-15 05:47 By Whitney Friedlander News Editor Variety @loislane79 July 14, 2014

Election hacked, drunken robot elected to school board
2012-03-02 06:41 By Iain Thomson in San Francisco The Register 1st March 2012