Security News

New Data Privacy Regulations
2018-06-08 11:48

When Marc Zuckerberg testified before both the House and the Senate last month, it became immediately obvious that few US lawmakers had any appetite to regulate the pervasive surveillance taking...

How privacy regulations like GDPR will affect cyber insurance
2018-05-12 14:54

Allianz's US head of cyber talked with TechRepublic about US companies' rush to get compliant with new privacy regulations in order to avoid heavy fines.

Calls For Regulation Build After Facebook Privacy Fallout
2018-04-12 18:45

Political actors and privacy activists are calling for more regulations on data privacy after Facebook's data security scandal.

Consumers want more IoT regulation
2018-02-13 12:30

A demand for more regulation may seem counterintuitive in today’s world and yet that’s exactly what consumers who understand IoT technologies want, according to a new study from Market Strategies...

Lawsuit: HHS' Patient Record Access Regulations 'Unlawful'
2018-01-12 20:48

Case Spotlights Confusion, Hurdles In Providing PHI to PatientsA lawsuit alleging that federal regulations "unlawfully" restrict fees healthcare entities can charge for providing patients with...

Complex regulations and sophisticated cyberattacks inflate non-compliance costs
2017-12-14 14:00

The cost of non-compliance has significantly increased over the past few years, and the issue could grow more serious. 90 percent of organizations believe that compliance with the GDPR would be...

Will IoT botnets catapult the industry toward security regulation in 2018?
2017-12-11 13:16

Attackers demonstrated the power of an IoT-fueled botnet in 2016 when the Mirai botnet took down major websites like Reddit, Twitter and GitHub. Despite the damages, no significant changes to the...

Most organizations and consumers believe there is a need for IoT security regulation
2017-10-31 13:00

90% of consumers lack confidence in the security of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This comes as more than two-thirds of consumers and almost 80% of organizations support governments getting...