Security News

Powerful Android RAT impersonates Netflix app (Help Net Security)
2017-01-26 13:00

Mobile malware peddlers often make their malicious wares look like popular Android apps and push them to users through third-party app stores. The latest example of this is the fake Netflix app...

SpyNote RAT Now Disguised As Netflix App (Threatpost)
2017-01-24 20:26

A new version of the SpyNote Trojan is designed to trick Android users into thinking it’s a legitimate Netflix application.

Netwire RAT is Back, Stealing Payment Card Data (Threatpost)
2016-11-29 20:40

Researchers say they spotted the remote access Trojan Netwire stealing payment card data from one organization.

Ransomware/RAT combo searches for solvent businesses (Help Net Security)
2016-08-12 15:44

The latest version of the Shade ransomware comes with a stealthy remote access Trojan, likely used to better gauge the amount of money the criminals can demand from the victims. This variant of...

SpyNote Android RAT builder has been leaked (Help Net Security)
2016-07-29 19:09

A builder for the capable SpyNote Android RAT is being freely distributed on several underground hacker forums. SpyNote is capable of viewing messages on the infected device, listening to calls...