Security News
CI Security, a Managed Detection and Response services provider specializing in defending the networks of organizations and critical infrastructure, announced the addition of a Work From Home Security Policy Assessment to the company's managed services offering. The Work From Home Security Policy Assessment provides a comprehensive view of the risks faced by an organization and its remote workforce, the capabilities of the organization to implement appropriate and effective security controls, including how to monitor an expanded, and in many cases unmanaged, set of endpoints.
If you're looking to take your Kubernetes security to the next level, you'll want to start working with pod security policies. Here's a quick introduction to this feature.
If you're looking to take your Kubernetes security to the next level, you'll want to start working with pod security policies. The Kubernetes pod security policy is a resource that controls the security of a pod specification.
Bug disclosure service HackerOne was in the rare position of publicizing one of its own security holes this week after a researcher discovered a flaw that was exposing some user email addresses. Tenable says Microsoft won't fix Group Policy bug.
Policy makers can't create policy around a piece of technology without understanding how it is used - how all of it's used. Technology and policy both use concepts of trust, but differently.
Endpoint security firm CrowdStrike announced on Wednesday that Michael Sentonas has been appointed chief technology officer after Dmitri Alperovitch decided to leave the company to launch a non-profit policy accelerator. Alperovitch, one of the founders of CrowdStrike, has been acting as CTO since the company's launch in 2011.
In the second global insider data breach survey, IT leaders found that 78% think employees have put data at risk accidentally in the past 12 months and 75% believe employees put data at risk intentionally. At the same time, 58% of managers said employee reporting is more likely than any breach detection system to alert them to an insider data breach.
Tufin, a company pioneering a policy-centric approach to security and IT operations, announced the availability of Tufin SecureCloud, a security policy automation service for enterprises needing to gain visibility and control of the security posture of their cloud-native and hybrid cloud environments. SecureCloud, built from the ground up and optimized for the cloud, is a major new addition to the Tufin Orchestration Suite - establishing Tufin as the first and only vendor to unify security policy management across on-premises, cloud-native, and hybrid clouds.
As the technology and tools to leverage stolen credentials advance, a more thoughtful approach to your organization's password policy is a highly effective way to reduce risk by better protecting your customers, network assets, and employees. Defenders can augment traditional password policy best practices with the ability to take action based on indicators observed within the cybercrime underground.
Although 96 percent of the 1,850 senior leaders within large organizations have a data sanitization policy in place, 31 percent have yet to communicate it across the business, according to a Blancco survey. Although 68 percent of respondents felt that ownership of data sanitization policies is clearly communicated within their organization, when asked who was responsible for their implementation, 18 percent of enterprises stated the DPO, 18 percent the Head of Operations, 17 percent the Head of IT Operations and 11 percent the CISO. This lack of clear ownership could suggest enterprises consider data sanitization to be a "'checkmark"' exercise that must be done to satisfy compliance or operational requirements and that they are not taking data risks seriously.