Security News

Fake PayPal payment reversal notification leads to phishing (Help Net Security)
2015-05-19 11:35

PayPal phishing attempts take many forms, and one of the most often used techniques is fake emails containing a warning and a prompt to act quickly. An active phishing campaign of this sort is curr...

Address spoofing Safari bug opens door for phishing attacks (Help Net Security)
2015-05-19 08:52

Hacker David Leo has released a PoC exploit for a Safari vulnerability that can be misused to trick users into thinking they are on one site while they are actually on another - a boon for phishers. ...

Can you correctly identify phishing emails? (Help Net Security)
2015-05-13 07:46

An Intel Security quiz presented ten emails and asked respondents to identify which of the emails were phishing attempts designed to steal personal information and which were legitimate. Of the approx...

Man charged with attempted spear-phishing attack on U.S. Department of Energy (Help Net Security)
2015-05-12 10:21

An indictment is charging a former employee of the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) with a total of four felony offenses in connection with an attempted email...