Security News

Cloud Security Essential: Make Penetration Testing Constant
2018-07-03 21:03

Outpost24's Bob Egner Talks Application Security, Agile Development, SecDevOpsAs organizations move more data into the cloud, too many are treating security as an afterthought, says Outpost24's...

Weighing Risks, Benefits of Penetration Testing
2018-03-12 19:03

Penetration testing can help find vulnerabilities that aren't typically identified by scanning and other monitoring. But the testing comes with some risks, Duke Health CISO Chuck Kelser and pen...

How to choose a penetration testing service
2018-03-06 12:30

Penetration testing or pen testing for short is a simulation of an attack on your company’s IT infrastructure or specific assets in order to assess the security posture and discover potential...

Learn How to Use Your Android for Hacking and Penetration Testing
2017-09-27 05:51

Android is now the most used mobile operating system in the world—even Microsoft’s Founder Bill Gates has recently revealed that he is currently using an Android device. Mobile devices have become...

Dagah: Penetration testing for enterprise mobility programs (Help Net Security)
2016-08-05 02:21

Shevirah Inc. will unveil at Black Hat USA 2016 the free version of dagah – a product that empowers security test teams to assess the security posture of their mobility programs including the...

Nishang: Using PowerShell for penetration testing (Help Net Security)
2016-08-01 13:15

Nishang is a framework, and a collection of scripts and payloads which enables PowerShell usage for offensive security, penetration testing and red teaming. The tool is the brainchild of...