Security News

The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) has updated the PCI Point-to-Point Encryption Standard (P2PE) and supporting program. PCI P2PE Version 3.0 simplifies the process for component and...

Companies subject to PCI DSS security requirements are audited once per year, yet many of these companies continue to be breached. It is not that PCI DSS fails, but that companies fail to maintain...

Many companies around the world that accept card payments are failing to continually maintain compliance with the PCI Data Security Standard, according to the new Verizon 2019 Payment Security...

In December, PCI SSC plans to publish a new standard for solutions that enable "tap and go" transactions on merchant smartphones and other commercial off-the shelf mobile devices. Troy Leach, the...

The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) launched a new assessor qualification program to support the PCI Software Security Framework (SSF), a collection of standards and programs for the...

PKWARE, a leader in automated data protection, announced that it has joined the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) as a new Participating Organization. PKWARE will work with the PCI SSC to...

PCI Pal, the secure payments provider to contact centers, announced that Darren Gill has been promoted to Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) and César Branco has relocated to the US and takes up the...

The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) announced two new validation programs for use by payment software vendors to demonstrate that both their development practices and their payment...

Entrust Datacard launched of a new cloud-based solution that enables banks to instantly personalize and activate customer payment cards. Whether buying coffee or shopping online, consumers expect...

Acquirers now hold higher expectations for compliance than they did 12 months ago, Sysnet Global Solutions has established. What is your current compliance rate? The annual report, which surveyed...