Security News

Banks are building a real-time global payment network using blockchain technology (Help Net Security)
2016-10-27 16:10

Nine out of 10 banking professionals surveyed at large US, European and Canadian commercial banks said their company is currently exploring the use of blockchain technology for payments, according...

Most would stop using digital payments if breached (Help Net Security)
2016-10-20 13:15

88% of respondents to a survey conducted by Wakefield Research would stop using digital payments if they personally fell victim to cybercriminal activities as a result of a data breach....

100+ online shops compromised with payment data-stealing code (Help Net Security)
2016-10-07 13:00

Since March 2016 (and possibly even earlier), someone has been compromising a variety of online shops and injecting them with malicious JavaScript code that exfiltrates payment card and other...