Security News

Three critical SQL injections vulnerabilities in Oracle's popular E-Business Suite make up a total of 250 bugs patched for the company's quarterly Critical Patch Update,

For its October Patch Tuesday, Microsoft has patched 61 vulnerabilities (27 of them critical) and one Office zero-day labeled as “important.” The zero-day The memory corruption zero-day...

Adobe released an update for Flash Player on Tuesday, but it does not include any security fixes. If no patches are released by the end of the month, it will be the first time since July 2012. read more

Not all Windows releases receive the same treatment when it comes to security patches, leaving some users exposed to known vulnerabilities, security researchers from Google's Project Zero team...

Hurricanes hammered the United States last month and cyber attacks continue to rain down throughout the world. The EternalBlue v1SMB vulnerability continues to be a focus of attacks. Recent...

Apple rushed out an emergency patch that fixed an bug in High Sierra that revealed APFS volume passwords via the password hint feature.

Did Breach Result From a Perfect Storm, or Were Failures Business as Usual?Equifax ex-CEO Richard Smith asserts that a single employee's failure to heed a security alert led to them failing to...

The security team at Equifax failed to patch a vulnerability in March after getting a warning about the flaw, opening up the credit agency to a breach affecting 143 million people, the former...

The attackers who breached Equifax managed to do so by exploiting a vulnerability in its US website, the company has finally confirmed. The vulnerability in question was Apache Struts...

The massive Equifax data breach that exposed highly sensitive data of as many as 143 million people was caused by exploiting a flaw in Apache Struts framework, which Apache patched over two months...