Security News July 25, 2000 By: Paul Beebe TRIBUNE-REVIEW A hacker breaks into the computers at the Worcester, Mass., airport control tower. Someone shuts down Miami's... James Middleton 21 Jul 2000 PowerGen is in the process of writing to each of its 7000 online customers to offer them 50 compensation for inconvenience...
![IMPORTANT MEMO: Los Alamos National Laboratory [Humor]](/static/build/img/news/alt/IoT-Cybersecurity-Predictions-2-small.jpg)
Forwarded By: "James M. Atkinson, Comm-Eng" IMPORTANT MEMO To: All staff, Los Alamos National Laboratory From: Bill Richardson, Secretary of Energy Dear staff members: Due to an unfortunate...,1199,NAV47_STO47186,00.html BY Ann Harrison (Jul. 14, 2000) The arrest of two New Yorkers accused of breaking into NASA computers points to ongoing...

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 15:18:04 -0400 From: Pete Loshin To: dcsb () ai mit edu Subject: Request for Experts and IT Decision Makers to be quoted in...,1213,NAV47_STO46810,00.html July 10, 2000 BY DEBORAH RADCLIFF Today, security is often provided by patched-together, reactionary defenses, which many...

Forwarded by: infosec () infosec 20m com Scanning the World A mysterious California company is sweeping the net for live hosts, and touching off alarms around...

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Perry E. Metzger" To: cryptography () c2 net ------- Start of forwarded message ------- From: Dave Farber Subject: IP: Important Security Update?... Hacker attacks welcomed.. I'm sure they are. The new article reads: Openhack data will help e-businesses develop the appropriate balance...

Forwarded by: Stewart Nolan The rather sensationalist BBC Panorama program on Computer Security (the one which made the claims about Astronauts under threat) is available for viewing at:-...