Security News

Security News - ISO17799
2003-01-21 06:54

Forwarded from: Sarah Hollins ______________________________________________________ THE ISO17799 NEWSLETTER - EDITION 6...

Homemade GPS jammers raise concerns
2003-01-20 08:58,10801,77702,00.html By Bob Brewin JANUARY 17, 2003 Government officials and communications experts are assessing the public safety and...

Microsoft's Report Card
2003-01-14 07:00,10801,77462,00.html By CAROL SLIWA JANUARY 13, 2003 Computerworld Grades ranged from B+ to D- when Computerworld asked IT...

Fight with computer brings SWAT team
2003-01-13 08:30,1713,BDC_2422_1661447,00.html By Mary Butler, Camera Staff Writer January 9, 2003 A 32-year-old Boulder man who had opened his apartment's patio...

FC: Mark Milone on "Hacktivism: Securing the National Infrastructure"
2003-01-09 09:45

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 11:25:18 -0800 From: Declan McCullagh To: politech () politechbot com Cc: MMilone () NYMEX com Subject: FC: Mark Milone on...

ISC2 on the warpath?
2003-01-07 09:38 It appears that the ISC2 is now hot on the trail of party who has been sending out spoof mail slandering the ISC2. At least that's how it looks from the a...

College student charged with distributing DirecTV trade secrets online
2003-01-03 06:30 By TED BRIDIS Associated Press WASHINGTON (January 2, 2003 7:20 p.m. EST) - Prosecutors charged a college student on Thursday with...

Six top security issues for executives
2002-12-31 09:02,10801,77132,00.html [The Art of War by: Sun Tzu - WK] By Yona Hollander...

New Jersey lottery Web site may contain security risks, experts warn
2002-12-31 09:01 By JOHN P. McALPIN, Associated Press TRENTON, N.J. (December 30, 2002 2:41 p.m. EST) - New Jersey Lottery players who sign up for a...

Web site links Navy war officers
2002-12-30 08:24

Forwarded from: William Knowles By SONJA BARISIC, Associated Press NORFOLK, Va. (December 27, 2002 3:21 p.m. EST) - When Lt. Cmdr....