Security News
![Analyst says break-ins reveal continued vulnerabilities at NASA](/static/build/img/news/alt/web-statistics-small.jpg),1199,NAV47_STO47186,00.html BY Ann Harrison (Jul. 14, 2000) The arrest of two New Yorkers accused of breaking into NASA computers points to ongoing...
![Request for Experts and IT Decision Makers to be quoted in ComputerWorld (fwd)](/static/build/img/news/alt/cyberattack-stats-small.jpg)
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 15:18:04 -0400 From: Pete Loshin To: dcsb () ai mit edu Subject: Request for Experts and IT Decision Makers to be quoted in...
![Security, the Way It Should Be](/static/build/img/news/alt/Data-Cybersecurity-Predictions-2-small.jpg),1213,NAV47_STO46810,00.html July 10, 2000 BY DEBORAH RADCLIFF Today, security is often provided by patched-together, reactionary defenses, which many...
![Scanning the World](/static/build/img/news/alt/ransomware-statistic-small.jpg)
Forwarded by: infosec () infosec 20m com Scanning the World A mysterious California company is sweeping the net for live hosts, and touching off alarms around...
![FBI involves itself in Verio merger](/static/build/img/news/alt/DDoS-small.jpg)
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Perry E. Metzger" To: cryptography () c2 net ------- Start of forwarded message ------- From: Dave Farber Subject: IP: Important Security Update?...
![Hacker attacks welcome.. I'm sure they are.](/static/build/img/news/alt/cyberattack-stats-small.jpg) Hacker attacks welcomed.. I'm sure they are. The new article reads: Openhack data will help e-businesses develop the appropriate balance...
![BBC Panorama - Cyber Attack :- RA Feed & Transcripts online](/static/build/img/news/alt/phishing-statistics-cybersecurity-scaled-small.jpg)
Forwarded by: Stewart Nolan The rather sensationalist BBC Panorama program on Computer Security (the one which made the claims about Astronauts under threat) is available for viewing at:-...
![Cyberbuck stops here for its chief](/static/build/img/news/alt/password-statistics-small.jpg) Cyberbuck stops here for its chief COMPANIES: An online-security firm forces out its president for hiding convictions and...
![Teens Accused of Duping AOL Users](/static/build/img/news/alt/Phishing-small.jpg) June 29, 2000 By James Gordon Meek WICHITA, Kan. ( -- Teenagers have struck again from cyberspace, this...
![Annual Report to Congress on the Military Power of the Peoples Republic of China.](/static/build/img/news/alt/cost-stats-small.jpg)
[While some here on ISN will think this is on the razors edge of information security, I like to remind people that the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army are spending lots of time and money...