Security News

Report: Corporate security undermined by lack of cooperation
2004-10-25 09:59,10801,96876,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan OCTOBER 22, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD A lack of information sharing and cooperation between IT...

Five mistakes of log analysis
2004-10-22 06:07,10801,96587,00.html Opinion by Anton Chuvakin netForensics Inc. OCTOBER 21, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD As the IT market grows, organizations...

What your CEO thinks about security (and how to change it)
2004-10-21 08:11,10801,96803,00.html Advice by Larry Ponemon OCTOBER 20, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD Up to now, enterprises' security budgets have been so lean...

2-Fingerprint Border ID System Called Inadequate
2004-10-20 02:40 By Robert O'Harrow and Jr. Scott Higham Washington Post Staff Writers October 19, 2004 Terrorists who alter their fingerprints...

Companies risk security by not introducing wireless
2004-10-13 08:53,10801,96597,00.html By Laura Berrill OCTOBER 12, 2004 TECHWORLD.COM Enterprise IT managers are interested, but reluctant, to introduce...

Cyber-Security to Get Higher-Profile Leader
2004-10-13 08:52

Forwarded from: William Knowles By Jonathan Krim Washington Post Staff Writer October 13, 2004 Homeland Security Secretary Tom...

Howard Schmidt returns to DHS as USCERT head
2004-10-09 09:10

Forwarded from: Richard Forno By Ted Bridis The Associated Press Oct 6 2004 Howard Schmidt, a highly regarded technology executive who was former special...

Security concerns put MSN Messenger beta on hold
2004-10-09 09:02,10801,96475,00.html By Joris Evers OCTOBER 07, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE Microsoft Corp. has suspended the beta testing of the next version...

Purdy Tapped as Cyber-Security Director
2004-10-07 09:50 By Robert MacMillan Staff Writer October 6, 2004 The Department of Homeland Security has filled the nation's...

Global firms 'lax on information security'
2004-10-07 09:50 Bangalore, India October 7, 2004 Global corporations are failing to safeguard their information networks against potent threats from...