Security News By Michael Kim Korea Correspondent, December 7, 2000 SEOUL - Amid growing concerns over cyber-terrorism worldwide,...
Forwarded by: Anonymous,1199,NAV47_STO54703,00.html By DAN VERTON AND MATT HAMBLEN December 04, 2000 Representatives from more than a dozen critical...
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 My new security book, "Real World Linux Security: Intrusion Prevention, Detection, and Recovery" now is in stock for immediate shipment from Amazon,... 30 November 2000 Assistance to Mr. Bearden invited; please contact him directly. Biography and articles by Mr. Bearden:...,1199,NAV47-68-84-90_STO54345,00.html By DEBORAH RADCLIFF November 27, 2000 You hire a security consulting firm that analyzes your network. On his way...
For years, a few small groups of socially conscious hackers have used their skills to advance social causes. The practice can be traced to 1998, when a group called the Electric Disturbance... Nov. 22, 2000 The software virus known as W95/MTX now can block users from going to certain... November 22, 2000 Web posted at: 9:35 a.m. EST (1435 GMT) by Ellen Messmer (IDG) -- The U.S. military has a new...
As usual, Another busy day of information security news. Just a couple interesting links that have passed my desk today and while wandering the halls around the 27th Annual Computer Security...,1199,NAV47-81_STO53940,00.html By DAN VERTON November 13, 2000 As hacker groups in the Middle East threaten to launch a "cyber-Jihad," or electronic holy...