Security News

Hackers prey on Internet banking
2004-06-11 10:27 STAFF WRITER, WITH CNA Jun 10, 2004 The numbers and personal codes of more than 100,000 Internet banking and auction-site...

Inside the insider threat
2004-06-11 10:20,,93757,00.html Opinion by Mudge Intrusic Inc. JUNE 10, 2004 Six years ago, I warned the U.S. Senate that it was possible to "take down...

CSO survey: Companies lack plans in case of terrorist attacks
2004-06-10 09:45,10801,93741,00.html By Paul Roberts JUNE 09, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE A majority of security executives surveyed said their companies...

Re: Security Expected To Take A Larger Bite Out Of IT Budgets
2004-06-09 10:07

Forwarded from: Nick Owen ROI is a poor measure for all financial decisions. Information security just demonstrate it's major weakness - it ignores the cost of capital. What risk management...

Microsoft releases monthly security patches
2004-06-09 10:06,10801,93728,00.html By Paul Roberts JUNE 08, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE Microsoft Corp. released software updates for versions of Windows XP...

Wireless Hackers Leave No Tracks
2004-06-08 06:55,10801,93625,00.html Security Manager's Journal by Vince Tuesday JUNE 07, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD I'm a parasite. I didn't pay for the...

Experts Call for Raising Awareness About IT Security
2004-06-08 06:53 M. Ghazanfar Ali Khan Arab News 8 June, 2004 RIYADH, 8 June 2004 - A panel of IT experts say local businesses need...

Wardriver pleads guilty in Lowes WiFi hacks
2004-06-07 06:38 By Kevin Poulsen SecurityFocus June 4, 2004 In a rare wireless hacking conviction, a Michigan man entered a guilty plea Friday in federal court in Charlotte,...

Panel: Do not outsource all security
2004-06-04 06:36,10801,93609,00.html By Chris Conrath JUNE 03, 2004 ITWORLDCANADA TORONTO - In a time when outsourcing is all the rage and IT security...

Catching a Virus Writer
2004-06-03 07:30 By Kelly Martin Jun 02 2004 Like a sneeze in a crowded subway, it's hard to find the human source of the latest viral infection. On the Internet it's...