Security News

Japan foreign ministry says PC leaked docs to external server
2013-02-07 07:40 By Jay Alabaster IDG News Service February 06, 2013

Chinese experts slam U.S. hacking accusations
2013-02-06 07:36 (Xinhua) February 06, 2013

US military advisor calls for McKinnon pardon, recruitment of "master hackers"
2013-02-06 07:36 By Phil Muncaster The Register 6th February 2013

'Chinese still hacking us,' says Wall Street Journal owner
2013-02-06 07:35 By Dara Kerr CNET News February 5, 2013

While advising the public on cybersecurity, FCC failed on its own defenses
2013-02-06 07:35 By Phillip Swarts Washington Guardian February 4, 2013

[Hacking Challenge] nullcon HackIM 2013 will start at 01-02-2013, when the clock will strike at 21:00 (+5:30 GMT)
2013-02-01 11:03

"Y2K was Survived...Mayan Apocalypse was Survived...And we are ready for Doomsday of Armageddon 2020... All new HACKIM-2013 is ready to help dust your Armour...and when you are would...

Symantec defiant after New York Times hackers evade antivirus	defences
2013-02-01 11:02 By John E Dunn Techworld 31 January 2013

'Silent but deadly' Java security update breaks legacy apps -	dev
2013-02-01 11:01 By John Leyden The Register 31st January 2013

Hackers in China Attacked The Times for Last 4 Months
2013-01-31 09:09 By NICOLE PERLROTH The New York Times January 30, 2013

ATM hackers skim $3.3 million from 200 customers
2013-01-31 09:09 By Tim Damos Capital Newspapers 1/30/2013